Tuesday, 19 April 2016

A light note towards – Lead Generation via Email Marketing

As we all know, Lead generation as an activity is most important drive for any business and its significance is often marked by set of challenges. While, we speak about multiple types of marketing strategies and carry out various methods for penetrating the penchant of our product/services offerings, in a pursuit to create opportunities. Agreeably, there are different types of proven techniques which yield sound lead generation.

One of the significant practices is email marketing -  Talk about “definitive lead generation”. I know what you guys are thinking – especially my confreres who would agree that, how hard it is, just to get someone to open marketing emails!! Anyway, this isn’t a downer though, so don’t worry we all got each other’s back here!

However, towards the point of discussion, one question really bugs me and has always been at the back of my mind. A thought that is very foundational. I am sure you guys too might have pondered over it and as most of us still do. -- 'So, why should someone read our marketing emails?' and 'What does it take, to get hold of that Attention?' 

Alright, let’s delve a bit more and try find some answers,  while we further brains storm:

·        Is it the credentials that adds weight to the email?

·        Is it the content? Html, links or specs/info graphics that gets attention?

·        Is it the skilled and tactful business writing that attracts readers? 

·       Does Subject lines, personalized captions and customization works better, despite it being a time consuming ordeal. 

·        Is it the timing at which the email gets to your prospect’s inbox? 

·    Is it just the quantity of emails that needs to go out, that should ensure better hit ratio. 

·        Or is it a small and precise email which is to the point that does the trick?

·        Is it that follow ups and persistence ensure better possibilities of a response?

·        Are Informative emails without business solicitation better? 

·     Does reducing hyperlinks and imagery as well as having legitimate subject lines curb the chances of an email having rendezvous with recipient's junk folder?

I am sure all if these above question did resonate. The answers are as clear as the questions itself. As you might have already observed that all of the above points are significant aspects towards successful email marketing.

Having said that, there could be lot of permutation combination or mix and match in the types we discussed. Honestly, like we all know all of them work or at times few of them work better than the others. Our answers are as good as our campaigns. --- Okay no hard feelings here, we all are trying, aren’t we!! Personally, I feel, one can really use multiple types or combination of email and then track what works best for the business. Although, there is no formula towards email marketing success. Experienced email marketers know this, hence they consistently experiment and modify their emailing strategies. And yes along with this, preparing well or working on the target audience helps great deal to get best of your campaign along with combination of email marketing components. Research shows that targeted campaign yield better hit ratio.

Since we are talking about email marketing here, let’s look at the benefits:

·        Highly targeted and allows good ground for customization
·        Can have quick turnaround time
·        Effectiveness can be measurable
·        Allows vast coverage
·        Definitely cost effective

So, this was just a brief hover on the foundational thoughts on email marketing. Hope this has been insightful! Happy Prospecting!!

Kirit Mandavgane
NSquare Xperts

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